

"When people see my work I want them to look at it and think “Oh, how lovely”, and then move on, or maybe to linger and appreciate the gesture.  My art is not meant to be an argument, or a conversation, or a statement, or even a word. My work is what it is.


The goal of my art has always been to just make something. It’s specifically the reason I liked drawing; mostly because it was not only fun, but also because I could draw whatever I wanted, and if I messed up on something I could just go back and erase.


Which is why when people ask me what inspires the creation of my works, 90% of the time I always end up having to lie and make something up. Because no one will take “Because it was fun” or “I thought it would look pretty” or “I don’t know, I just picked something and drew it” for an answer. After all, I made the damn things, so I should know what it’s all about right?


Except I don’t, and I honestly hate that I don’t because I want to have some deep, thoughtful, meaningful reason behind why I draw or paint some of the things I do but I don’t. All my work is work and nothing else"